Here I write the very first official entry of my new blog, Weekends Forever. I rummage through my mind and try to find different things I’m interested in. Perhaps it’s not just the new shiny things that are enticing. Conceivably, my interests could also be interests of other people.
This blog will come out with one element at a time, depending on weekend opportunities. It would most likely grow in time, giving birth to divisions in which I hope to be able to update every weekend as it is the only time where things you want to do can actually be done. Below is the list of places you can find me. Mostly active in instagram, the world of vision and wondrous colors, and twitter, the world of wisdom and impeccable vocabulary.
This blog will come out with one element at a time, depending on weekend opportunities. It would most likely grow in time, giving birth to divisions in which I hope to be able to update every weekend as it is the only time where things you want to do can actually be done. Below is the list of places you can find me. Mostly active in instagram, the world of vision and wondrous colors, and twitter, the world of wisdom and impeccable vocabulary.
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